Set 1 Description: Line plots of annual trends in energy balance, soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis
Lookup Table: Set 1 Variable Definition
Trend | |
2m air temperature (TSA) | plot |
ppt: rain+snow (PREC) | plot |
Canopy Evaporation (CANOPY_EVAPORATION) | --- |
Runoff:qover+qdrai+qrgwl (TOTRUNOFF) | plot |
soil temperature: layers 1,5,10 (TSOI) | plot |
photosynthesis (FPSN) | plot |
exposed one-sided leaf area index (ELAI) | plot |
exposed one-sided stem area index (ESAI) | plot |
total one-sided leaf area index (TLAI) | plot |
total one-sided stem area index (TSAI) | plot |
Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISUN) | plot |
Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISHA) | plot |
Sunlit leaf stomatal resistance (RSSUN) | --- |
shaded leaf stomatal resistance (RSSHA) | --- |
transpiration beta factor (BTRAN) | plot |
infiltration (QINFL) | plot |
surface runoff (QOVER) | plot |
surface runoff at glaciers, wetlands, lakes (QRGWL) | plot |
sub-surface drainage (QDRAI) | plot |
interception (QINTR) | plot |
ground evaporation (QSOIL) | plot |
canopy transpiration (QVEGT) | plot |
soil liquid water: layers 1,5,10 (SOILLIQ) | plot |
soil ice: layers 1,5,10 (SOILICE) | plot |
Soil Water Potential in Each Soil Layer (SOILPSI) | plot |
snow liquid water (SNOWLIQ) | plot |
snow ice (SNOWICE) | plot |
total soil liquid water (TOTSOILLIQ) | plot |
soil ice (TOTSOILICE) | plot |
water in the unconfined aquifer (WA) | plot |
total water storage (WT) | plot |
water table depth (ZWT) | plot |
aquifer recharge rate (QCHARGE) | plot |
fractional area with water table at surface (FCOV) | plot |
CO2 concentration (CO2_PPMV) | plot |
net ecosys exchange of C;incl fire flx;pos for source (NEE) | plot |
net ecosystem production;excl fire flx;pos for sink (NEP) | plot |
gross primary production (GPP) | plot |
GPP from Sunlit Canopy (PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL) | plot |
GPP from Shaded Canopy (PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL) | plot |
net primary production (NPP) | plot |
above ground net primary production (AGNPP) | plot |
below ground net primary production (BGNPP) | plot |
maintenance respiration (MR) | plot |
total growth respiration (GR) | plot |
autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) (AR) | plot |
litter hetereotrophic respiration (LITHR) | plot |
SOM hetereotrophic respiration (SOMHR) | plot |
total hetereotrophic respiration (HR) | plot |
root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) (RR) | plot |
total soil respiration (HR + root resp) (SR) | plot |
total ecosystem respiration (AR + HR) (ER) | plot |
leaf carbon (LEAFC) | plot |
Soil organic matter C (slow pool) (SOIL3C) | plot |
Soil organic matter C (slowest pool) (SOIL4C) | plot |
fine root carbon (FROOTC) | plot |
live stem C (LIVESTEMC) | plot |
dead stem carbon (DEADSTEMC) | plot |
live coarse root carbon (LIVECROOTC) | plot |
dead coarse root carbon (DEADCROOTC) | plot |
temporary photosynthate C pool (CPOOL) | plot |
Temporary Photosynthate C Pool (XSMRPOOL) | plot |
total vegetation C, excluding cpool (TOTVEGC) | plot |
coarse woody debris carbon (CWDC) | plot |
total litter carbon (TOTLITC) | plot |
total SOM carbon (TOTSOMC) | plot |
total ecosystem C, incl veg but excl cpool (TOTECOSYSC) | plot |
total ecosystem C, incl veg and cpool (TOTCOLC) | plot |
column-level sink for C truncation (COL_CTRUNC) | plot |
pft-level sink for C truncation (PFT_CTRUNC) | plot |
fraction of potential GPP (FPG) | plot |
fraction of potential immobilization (FPI) | plot |
total ecosystem N (TOTECOSYSN) | plot |
nitrogen deposition (NDEP_TO_SMINN) | plot |
nitrogen fixation (NFIX_TO_SMINN) | plot |
supplement to mineral nitrogen (SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN) | plot |
Nitrogen Leached (SMINN_LEACHED) | plot |
soil mineral N (SMINN) | plot |
Mineral N to NPool (SMINN_TO_NPOOL) | plot |
column-level sink for N truncation (COL_NTRUNC) | plot |
pft-level sink for N truncation (PFT_NTRUNC) | plot |
plant pool of retranslocated N (RETRANSN) | plot |
Retranslocated N to NPool (RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL) | plot |
Potential Immobilization (POTENTIAL_IMMOB) | plot |
Actual Immobilization (ACTUAL_IMMOB) | plot |
Gross N Mineralization (GROSS_NMIN) | plot |
Net N Mineralization (NET_NMIN) | plot |
Total N Deployed in New Growth (NDEPLOY) | plot |
Total Denitrification (DENIT) | plot |
soil organic matter N (slow pool) (SOIL3N) | plot |
Soil organic matter N (slowest pool) (SOIL4N) | plot |
total column-level fire C loss (COL_FIRE_CLOSS) | plot |
total pft-level fire C loss (PFT_FIRE_CLOSS) | plot |
total column-level fire N loss (COL_FIRE_NLOSS) | plot |
total pft-level fire N loss (PFT_FIRE_NLOSS) | plot |
annual fire season length (FIRESEASONL) | plot |
daily fire probability (FIRE_PROB) | --- |
annual total fractional area burned (ANN_FAREA_BURNED) | plot |
e-folding mean of daily fire probability (MEAN_FIRE_PROB) | plot |
Coarse Woody Debris C Hetereotrophic respiration (CWDC_HR) | plot |
Coarse Woody Debris C Loss (CWDC_LOSS) | plot |
Fine root C allocation (FROOTC_ALLOC) | plot |
Fine root C Loss (FROOTC_LOSS) | plot |
Leaf C Allocation (LEAFC_ALLOC) | plot |
Leaf C Loss (LEAFC_LOSS) | plot |
Total Litter C (LITTERC) | plot |
Litter Hetereotrophic Respiration (LITTERC_HR) | plot |
Litter C Loss (LITTERC_LOSS) | plot |
soil organic matter C (fast pool) (SOILC) | plot |
Soil C hetereotrophic respiration (SOILC_HR) | plot |
Soil C Loss (SOILC_LOSS) | plot |
Wood C (WOODC) | plot |
Wood C Allocation (WOODC_ALLOC) | plot |
Wood C Loss (WOODC_LOSS) | plot |