GNU Compressed UNIX Tarfiles

Gzip is provided by the Free Software Foundation GNU project. It is available for multple system platforms, and may be freely downloaded from the internet.

o To Obtain GNU Gzip Software

The Macintosh gzip version is available at:

Other versions, along with other GNU software, can be found at:

o Hints for Using Gzip on Selected Systems


To compress files, use the command 'gzip'; gunzip will decompress a '.gz' file. The command 'man gzip' will provide more information on how to use gzip.


To compress files, use the command 'gzip'; 'gzip -d' will decompress a '.gz' file. The command 'gzip -h' will provide more information on how to use gzip.


The Macintosh web site provides full instructions on how to use MacGzip.

o Using VEMAP Gzip Tarfiles

Tarfiles can be found under the subdirectory /tarFiles. To use these files, first FTP the desired tarfile to your home machine (remember to set the transfer mode to binary (bi) before transferring tarfiles). Then decompress the '*.gz' file and extract the archived files using the GNU gzip and tar commands appropriate to your machine. For example, on a UNIX system, type:

> gunzip > tar xvf

This process will create a complete set of files in your currect local directory. The tarfiles frequently contain a considerable number of files so be sure to allocate sufficient space in your currect directory. The space required for the decompressed and extracted files varies greatly. For a complete listing of the space required for each tar file, download the file:



Characteristic decompressed and/or extracted individual file sizes are:

Daily binary: ~4700 kBytes/file
Gridded SVF: ~33 kBytes/file
Columnar Site: ~370 kBytes/file

If you have any questions or problems with the files included in this database, we would appreciate your comments.

Tim Kittel
(303) 497-1606

Nan Rosenbloom
(303) 497-1617

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