Data format


This files has been tar'ed and compressed. If you copy it to a file of a different name you still need the extension .tar.gz as shown below. To copy the file using Mosaic you need to select the option 'Load to local disk' and then click on the file.

To retrieve the original files, once you have copied the .tar.gz file to your own machine, you need to type:

    > uncompress <filename.tar.gz>
    > tar xvf <filename.tar>

This process will create a new directory tree in your current directory containing a complete set of files. The tar'ed files frequently contain a considerable number of files so be sure to allocate sufficient space in your current directory. The amount of space taken by the file before it was tar'ed and compressed is listed next to it.

To restore the data values to the units specified in the file header the values in the file needs to be divided by the scale factor. With a scaling factor of 10 the file value 437 is really 43.7.

Tar File

              No of files        Size (kbytes)
Filename      in tar file  Compressed Uncompressed

SVF_FORMAT         1                       6
GEOG.tar.gz        9          19         287

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