Site Files


Data in the units specified in the file = value in file/scaling factor, i.e. with a scaling factor of 10 the file value 452 is really 45.2

All files are approximately 369 kbytes, except the README which is 12 kbytes, and SITE_FORMAT which is 4.7 kbytes.


o FORMAT.TXT Contains information on the site file format and how to find the data for a given location.

o Monthly File

These files contain monthly mean values of climate data for each non-background data point.

fsr    irr    p      psr    rh     sr
tm     tn     tx     vp     w 

o CCC Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the Canadian Climate Centre model.

p_ccc     sr_ccc    t_ccc     w_ccc

o GFDL_R15 Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the Goddard Fluid Dynamics Lab R15 model with Q-flux.

p_gf1     rh_gf1    sr_gf1    t_gf1     vp_gf1

o GFDL_R30 Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the Goddard Fluid Dynamics Lab R30 model.

p_gf3     rh_gf3    sr_gf3    t_gf3     vp_gf3


These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the Goddard Fluid Dynamics Lab R15 model without Q-flux.

p_gfq     rh_gfq    sr_gfq    t_gfq     vp_gfq

o GISS Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the Goddard Institute for Space Studies model.

p_gis     rh_gis    sr_gis    t_gis     vp_gis

o MM4 Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using a model based on the Pennsylvania State University/NCAR Mesoscale model.

p_mm4     sr_mm4    tm_mm4    tn_mm4    tx_mm4
vp_mm4    w_mm4

o OSU Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the Oregon State University model.

p_osu     rh_osu    sr_osu    t_osu     vp_osu

o UKMO Files

These contain the monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base VEMAP climate using the UK Meterological Office model.

p_ukm     rh_ukm    sr_ukm    t_ukm     vp_ukm

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