
Note for MacIntosh Users


Early versions of MacIntosh Netscape may not allow ftp file transfers from our ftpsite (we are not aware of any problems with other MacIntosh packages such as MacWeb or Mosaic).

If you have difficulty downloading files from the Webpage, you can ftp the files directly from our anonymous ftpsite:

         > ftp ftp.ucar.edu
    Name > anonymous
Password > your e-mail address
     ftp > cd edas/vemap

The anonymous ftpsite contains all the files listed on the Webpage. The directory structure of the ftpsite is very similar to the structure of these pages.

Several ftp commands you may find useful are:

     ftp> cd
to change directory;
     ftp> ls
     ftp> dir
to list the files available.

o Example

To get the file mz_m1.v2, type:

     ftp> cd soil/mineral
     ftp> ls
     ftp> get mz_m1

To exit ftp once you have retrieved the files, type:

     ftp> quit
     ftp> bye

NOTE: If you use Fetch with the MacIntosh, be sure to set the transfer to BINARY for compressed files (files ending with .gz).

o Problems

If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions please contact Nan Rosenbloom:

Nan Rosenbloom
Boulder, CO 80307-3000

email: nanr@ucar.edu
fax: (303) 497-1695
phone: (303) 497-1617

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