File naming protocol is CVVL_mM or CVVL_ave for average soils. C is soil component type (m for mineral soils), VV the variable name and M the mode.
The scaling factor is the factor by which the data were multiplied before they were put into the files. To get the values back into the units described in the file header, you need to divide the values in the files by the scaling factor.
For example, bulk density is given in units of grams per cubic cm and has a scaling factor of 100. This means that a value in the file of 135 is actually 0.135 g/cm**3.
The units are given in standard format, i.e. km = kilometers, g = grams etc
The files are described below by the corresponding variable name. All files are approximately 33.6 kbytes, except the README which is 2 kbytes.
Files Available:
ma_ave ma_m1 ma_m2 ma_m3 ma_m4
Files Available:
map_ave map_m1 map_m2 map_m3 map_m4
Files Available:
mbd1_ave mbd2_ave mbd1_m1 mbd1_m2 mbd1_m3 mbd1_m4 mbd2_m1 mbd2_m2 mbd2_m3 mbd2_m4
Files Available:
msa1_ave msa2_ave msa1_m1 msa1_m2 msa1_m3 msa1_m4 msa2_m1 msa2_m2 msa2_m3 msa2_m4
msi1_ave msi2_ave msi1_m1 msi1_m2 msi1_m3 msi1_m4 msi2_m1 msi2_m2 msi2_m3 msi2_m4
mcl1_ave mcl2_ave mcl1_m1 mcl1_m2 mcl1_m3 mcl1_m4 mcl2_m1 mcl2_m2 mcl2_m3 mcl2_m4
Files Available:
moc1_ave moc1_m1 moc1_m2 moc1_m3 moc1_m4
Files Available:
mrf1_ave mrf2_ave mrf1_m1 mrf1_m2 mrf1_m3 mrf1_m4 mrf2_m1 mrf2_m2 mrf2_m3 mrf2_m4
Files Available:
mwh1_ave mwh2_ave mwh1_m1 mwh1_m2 mwh1_m3 mwh1_m4 mwh2_m1 mwh2_m2 mwh2_m3 mwh2_m4
Files Available:
mz_ave mz_m1 mz_m2 mz_m3 mz_m4