The files in this directory contain monthly mean values of climate data for each grid point. The files names are of the format: VVV.MMM, where VVV is the variable name and MMM the month (or annual).
The scaling factor is the factor by which the data were multiplied before they were put into the files. To get the values back into the units described in the file header, you need to divide the values in the files by the scaling factor.
For example, temperature is given in units of degrees C and has a scaling factor of 10. This means that a value in the file of 56 is actually 5.6 degrees C.
Standard SI units are used, e.g., W = Watts, m = meters etc.
A description of how to use the SVF format files is presented here. Included in this description are methods for transforming information between the formats of lat/lon, gridpoint, and file position. The file is also available in downloadable format:
A three letter representation of the month (jan, feb, mar, etc) or 'ann' for annual files which contain the mean of each month. Scaling factors for annual files are the same as for the monthly files of that variable.
For a listing of all the files in this directory click here.
These same files are also listed in tar`d and compressed format here. This is a quicker way to download several files at once.
If you are using the data a lot there will be a CD-ROM available soon.