The ocean bottom topography is also very significant in oceanography.
The continental slopes and shelves that adjoin the continents form
barriers for oceanic currents. Some eastward flowing ocean currents
develop into strong western boundary currents (e.g., the Gulf Stream,
and Kuroshio Current) along the continental slopes. Mid-ocean ridges
form the largest relief features on earth and strongly influence deep
water circulation and the distribution of deep ocean water properties.
At shallow levels there are sills and constrictions that isolate
deeper water in fjords and enclosed seas (e.g., the Mediterranean Sea,
Gulf of Mexico, and Sea of Japan). Topographic features like these
greatly control the water exchanged with the open ocean and determine
many characteristics of the enclosed sea. In some cases, the water
that spills over the sills is traceable over much of the open ocean.
For example, the Straits of Gibraltar are very shallow (the Gibraltar
Sill) and restrict the flow of the very saline waters of the
Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic. The saline water is more dense
and would normally flow out along the bottom, but the sill retards
this flow to the extent that when the water can finally spill over the
sill, it is traceable over much of the Atlantic Ocean because of its
relatively high temperature and salinity.
Topographic datasets are available in a range of grid resolutions.
Some are coarse (e.g., 2.5 degree) while others are of high resolution
(e.g., 30 seconds). Users should be aware that those with coarser
resolutions generally represent a spatial average while the high
resolution grids represent point values. In some cases, however,
``high-resolution'' datasets are actually interpolated from those
with lower resolutions. The highest resolution datasets are generally
available for specific regions of the globe (e.g., North America)
because of the large volume of data.
Land-surface datasets contain much information. Some examples include:
vegetation classifications and indexes, major world ecosystems,
biomass, hydrological information and soil characteristics. These
datasets are difficult to evaluate and each has strengths and
weaknesses. Some are derived from atlas data and, given the rapidly
changing world in which we live, may not be applicable on a local
basis. Some may have detailed soil types while others use very broad
Topography alters the flow of the atmosphere. The lee sides
(i.e., the downwind side) of large mountain ranges are areas
where cyclones often develop or where weak disturbances intensify
(i.e., cyclogenesis). In addition, topography can act as a barrier
that prevents cold or warm air from penetrating certain geographic
regions. For example, the Indian Peninsula is protected from bitter
cold Siberian air masses during the winter season, while during
summer, the topography can cause considerable variability in
precipitation amounts over very short distances. Regions where winds
have a component blowing toward the mountains can result in large
amounts of precipitation due to orographic lifting. Land-Surface and Runoff Data
Vegetation, soil characteristics (e.g., texture, color,
wetness) and streamflow/runoff are important components of the climate
system. Both vegetation and soil are important factors in the global
radiation budget. For example, the color of vegetation and soil
directly contribute to the surface albedo (i.e., the ratio of
radiation reflected by the surface to that incident upon it) which is
central to radiation budget studies. Vegetation and other
land-surface processes are major factors in the global carbon budget
and biogeochemical cycles. Land-surface hydrology (e.g.,
river/stream flow and runoff) is important both from a local and a
global perspective. These can influence crops/vegetation, soil
wetness and irrigation. Solar Data
Solar data are necessary for radiation budgets and it is possible that
even small variations in energy output by the sun may influence the
climate. Sunspot data have been available for centuries. One of the
best known geophysical cycles is the solar sunspot cycle. This is a
quasi-periodic variation with a period of about 11 years. Although
satellite data have indicated that the variation of solar energy at
the top of the atmosphere is small (about 0.1%, but much larger in
certain wavelengths such as UV), chemical reactions such as the
creation of ozone in the upper atmosphere can be very sensitive to
these variations.
Topography NCAR
IDSource Grid Area ds750.0 Scripps 1 degree global
ds750.1 RAND 1 degree global
ds754.0 U.S. Navy 10' global
ds755.0 U.S.A.F. 1 degree, 30', 5' global
ds756.1 DMA 30 sec U.S.
ds757.0 NMC 2.5 degree + spectral global
ds759.1 NGDC 5' global
ds768.0 Cogley/Briggs 1 degree global
Soil, Vegetation and Albedo NCAR
IDSource Grid
(degree)Type ds207.0 RAND 4 - 5 albedo
ds676.0 NESS 2.5 albedo
ds765.0 Matthews-GISS 1 vegetation
cultivation intensity
seasonal albedo
ds765.5 Matthews-GISS 1 wetlands+vegetation
% inundation
methane emission
ds766.0 Argonne 1/4, 1/6 NA
land usage
ds767.0 Wilson, H-S 1 vegetation/color
ds768.0 Cogley/Briggs 1 vegetation/color
ds769.0 Olson 0.5 ecosystems
(veg by carbon den)
ds770.0 Staub-Rosenw 1 soil
(GISS+FAO) 1 sfc slope
Datasets with Solar Information NCAR
PeriodDescription ds503.0 1952-76 NCDC SOLMET TD9724 Solar + Sfc Obs, daily
ds504.0 NCDC TD9734 Typical Meteorological Year, Solar + Sfc
ds565.1 1891-1984 CDIAC U.S. Historical Sunshine Obs
ds730.0 1978-83 Campbell's Earth Radia Budget Exper (ERBE)
ds732.0 1984-86 Barkstrom's (ERBE)
ds733.0 1978-87 NIMBUS 7 ERBE Matrix Data, daily 1978Nov-1987Nov
ds832.0 1932-81 NOAA WDCA Magnetic Indices + Sunspots
ds834.0 1610-1993 Sunspots, 1610-1986 (from Clark + NGDC)
Datasets with River Runoff Data NCAR
PeriodDescription ds550.1   USGS River Flow Data
ds552.0 1800-1972 UNESCO Flow Rates of Selected World Rivers, monthly
ds553.0 1880-1985 Russia monthly (varies by station)
ds768.0   streamflow
An Introduction to Atmospheric and Oceanographic Datasets