ccm3.2 run-time error on RS6K and DEC

Subject: ccm3.2 run-time error on RS6K and DEC
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Tue Mar 18 1997 - 17:08:20 MST


I've encountered the same problem. here are some messages that address the problem.

-Steve Ghan

> The compilation line for running on an RS6K should read
> > FFLAGS = -c -g -qautodbl=dblpad -qflttrap=overflow:zero:invalid:enable -qnosave
> or
> > FFLAGS = -c -g -qrealsize=8 -qintsize=4
> rather than
> > FFLAGS = -c -g -qrealsize=8 -qintsize=4 -qflttrap=overflow:zero:invalid:enable -qnosave
> which immediately aborts with a segmentation error.
> Although one would normally run without floating point trapping (which
> is faster) so that option two could be used, serious errors cannot be
> trapped with option two. So the preferred method is option one, which
> can be exercised with or without floating point trapping.

My apologies for letting so much time lapse before responding to your email.
On our IBM machines, the -qautodbl=dblpad flag results in an immediate
segmentation fault as you describe above for option 3. The reason I believe
is that the integer data on the boundary datasets are written as 4-byte
entities, not 8-byte. Therefore the -qrealsize=8 -qintsize=4 flags are


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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