ccm3.2 run-time error on RS6K and DEC

Subject: ccm3.2 run-time error on RS6K and DEC
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Wed Mar 12 1997 - 09:10:52 MST

Andre Paul 06.03.1997
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universitaet Bremen
D - 28334 Bremen

Phone: x49 - 421 - 218 7189
Fax: x49 - 421 - 218 7040

Hello ccm3-users,

I successfully build the ccm3.2 executable on our IBM RS/6000 and DEC ALPHA
workstations, but I cannot run the model, because it crashes shortly
after printing the "Summary of Logical Unit assignments". The problem
reported is a segmentation fault. It obviously occurs in subroutine
"kdpfnd", in which the array sigdp is filled with NaN's. It seems as if upon
calling subroutine "sltb1" from subroutine "sanslt", the array "sigmp"
becomes ill-defined.

I would be happy if somebody found the time to let me know about his or her
experiences with running the ccm3 code on IBM RS/6000 or DEC ALPHA machines.

Best regards

Andre Paul

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