
Subject: tracers
From: Gerhard Gross (
Date: Wed Apr 23 1997 - 13:13:23 MDT

Dear NCAR,

I am using CCM3 with tracer constituents and would like to be
able to do continuation (restart) runs. I know the tracer field
values are automatically written to the primary history file but
is this not the average value, by default? Therefore, when I
restart a run and use 'SETTRACE = init and 'NCDATA = h0002' the
tracer values that are reloaded into the model will be averaged
values since the previous history file write. Do I have to use
'NINAVG = I' if I expect to do continuation runs?

Thank you.


Gerhard Gross

---- If you walk in the jungle don't act like prey! ----

Gerhard W. Gross
Global Change Research Center or
Portland State University

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