
Subject: tracers
From: Jerry Olson (olson@ra.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 23 1997 - 16:39:22 MDT

> I am using CCM3 with tracer constituents and would like to be
> able to do continuation (restart) runs. I know the tracer field
> values are automatically written to the primary history file but
> is this not the average value, by default? Therefore, when I
> restart a run and use 'SETTRACE = init and 'NCDATA = h0002' the
> tracer values that are reloaded into the model will be averaged
> values since the previous history file write. Do I have to use
> 'NINAVG = I' if I expect to do continuation runs?

    The functionality exists in the model to restart by simply invoking
    the NSREST namelist variable, provided that the restart files that
    were generated by the initial run are still available.

        For an initial run: set nsrest = 0
        For a continuation: set nsrest = 1

    The tracers will be properly included in this restart process regardless of
    the setting of NINAVG. There is no need modify NCDATA on a restart.
    It is effectively ignored with nsrest set to 1.

 Jerry Olson
 Boulder, Colorado

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