re: tracers

Subject: re: tracers
From: Phil Rasch (pjr@chinook.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 23 1997 - 17:25:19 MDT

On Apr 23 (Gerhard Gross) wrote:

> I am using CCM3 with tracer constituents and would like to be
> able to do continuation (restart) runs. I know the tracer field
> values are automatically written to the primary history file but
> is this not the average value, by default? Therefore, when I
> restart a run and use 'SETTRACE = init and 'NCDATA = h0002' the
> tracer values that are reloaded into the model will be averaged
> values since the previous history file write. Do I have to use
> 'NINAVG = I' if I expect to do continuation runs?

You need to distinguish in your thinking between the information
written to history files and restart files. The former are for use as
initial conditions (occasionally) or just for analysis of the
run. They are often approximations of the state of the model (ie they
are packed, or time averaged). The later contain a complete snapshot of
the state of the model at an instant in time, and this allows the
model to be restarted exactly, that is it can reproduce another run in
a bit for bit mode. So, for regeneration or restarts, what is on the
history tape is almost irrelevant.


Phil Rasch 

(National Center for Atmospheric Research, 303-497-1368) internet:, FAX: 303-497-1324

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