Re: floating ops per simulated day?

Subject: Re: floating ops per simulated day?
From: Jim Rosinski (rosinski@skyhawk.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Thu May 08 1997 - 13:16:58 MDT

> I'd appreciate if someone who runs on a CRAY could respond with
> the number of floating operations per simulated day of some
> version of the model, preferably running at R15 resolution.

This number can be obtained by running the executable on a machine with a
hardware performance monitor (e.g. C90, YMP, J90). The command is "hpm", and
is run for example in the following way:

hpm a.out

There is no overhead, no special compiler flags required, and the numbers are
very accurate. Unfortunately I don't have the CCM3 numbers at hand or I'd
mention them here.

Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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