
Subject: mswrite
From: Chao Wang (
Date: Wed May 14 1997 - 15:30:30 MDT

Hi ,
I run the ccm3 on CRAY-C90. The executable file is just
that used on NCAR machine. The problem seems that there is no MASS STORAGE
SYSTEM. So, when the instruction 'mswrite' was encounted my job was
stopping and waiting to be forced aborting.

In the print output there is some message which supported as my opinion:

 WRTRS1: Successfully opened file r0001.a on nrg2(nf)= 15
 SAVDIS: shell version of mswrite is:
 mswrite -nomail -nowait -t 100 -v CTPUBLIC -c "DAYS:
 DATES: 0.000Z 000901 - 0.667Z 000901" -w passwd h000
 1 /CWANG/csm/clsst01/ccm3/hist/h0001
 SAVDIS:Error from mswrite -- Unable to obtain error messages, call


 "killm" called by "raise" (P = 0457112a, line 16) with 3 arguments
     1) 0000000000000000000001 -> (0060000061040000000000 = ???)
     2) 0000000000000000000000 -> (0010000040000200001000 = ???)
     3) 0000000000000000000006 -> (0)
 "raise" called by "abort" (P = 0361670b, line 36) with 1 argument
     1) 0000000000000000000006 -> (0)
 "abort" called by "ABORT" (P = 0652077d, line 56) with 0 arguments
 "ABORT" called by "ENDRUN" (P = 066372d, line 25) with 0 arguments
 "ENDRUN" called by "SAVDIS" (P = 0241431a, line 130) with 0 arguments
 "SAVDIS" called by "WRAPUP" (P = 0325544d, line 700) with 9 arguments
     1) 0000000000000001233634 -> (20)
     2) 0000000003000001372714 = 0000000003000001372714 = '___0____'
     3) 0000000050000001372620 = 0000000050000001372620 = ???
     4) 1400000004000001400015 = 1400000004000001400015 = '___@____'
     5) 1400000004000001400001 = 1400000004000001400001 = '___@____'
     6) 0000000000000001400026 -> (0000000000000000000144 = 100)
     7) 1400000050000001400003 = 1400000050000001400003 = ???
     8) 0000000000000021566223 -> (0)
     9) 0000000000000001400030 -> (0)
 "WRAPUP" called by "STEPON" (P = 0272754b, line 860) with 1 argument
     1) 0000000000000015726243 -> (0000000000000000200000 = 65536)
 "STEPON" called by "CCM3" (P = 020617a, line 393) with 1 argument
     1) 0000000000000015726243 -> (0000000000000000200000 = 65536)
 "CCM3" called by "$START$" (P = 0454674d, line 360) with 3 arguments
     1) 0000000000000000000001 -> (0060000061040000000000 = ???)
     2) 0000000000000015722777 -> (0000000000000015723103 = 3647043)
     3) 0000000000000015723001 -> (0400000000000015723105 = '@____7_E')
 Elapsed CP: 4.466005s, Command Line = "./ccm3bin.shavano"

Question: How can I modify the ccm3 code for running CCM3 correctly?

By the way,
1. I've ever tried to 'setup' and 'make' on according
   to th <User's Guide to NCAR CCM3> , but there
   is no chance to choose 'no NCAR' parameter. When run the ccm3bin in that
   case, the error message :
   '+ ./ccm3bin.sss usxmsg: unsatisfied external symbol referenced- SET99'
   was displayed

2. When I run ccm2 on the history files are kept in the working
   directoy Thank you.

C. Wang


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