Running CCM3 on an ORIGIN2000

Subject: Running CCM3 on an ORIGIN2000
From: arturo quintanar (
Date: Wed May 21 1997 - 15:26:21 MDT

Hello CCM-Users,

The National University in Mexico City (UNAM) recently acquired
 SGI ORIGIN2000 machines with 8 and 32 processors.
I have been able to run CCM3 on a single processor with this machine.

When attempting to build the executable with "make" ( I ran "setup"
 allowing for message passing), i get the following error:

        f77 -I. -I/include -r8 -i4 -g3 -O2 -c -mp -mpio distnl.F
"distnl.F", line 51: error(2006): could not open source file "fpvm3.h"
  #include <fpvm3.h>
1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "distnl.F".
Compilation terminated.
*** Error code 2 (bu21)

Sure enough, there wasn't any "fpvm3.h" in the SGI.T42.spectral.std.spmd
directory. I am aware that Dr. Wesley Jones is running CCM3 on the same
machine with 32 processors but haven't been able to contact him yet.

Does anybody out there has an idea of where the "fpvm3.h" file is? or
perhaps can tell me if I am missing some crucial points with the message
passing version of the CCM3.

Thank you for your help

Arturo Quintanar

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