Subject: Re: Running CCM3 on an ORIGIN2000
From: Jim Rosinski (rosinski@skyhawk.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Fri May 23 1997 - 15:06:53 MDT
> Sure enough, there wasn't any "fpvm3.h" in the SGI.T42.spectral.std.spmd
> directory. I am aware that Dr. Wesley Jones is running CCM3 on the same
> machine with 32 processors but haven't been able to contact him yet.
> Does anybody out there has an idea of where the "fpvm3.h" file is? or
> perhaps can tell me if I am missing some crucial points with the message
> passing version of the CCM3.
Yes. If the PVM message-passing library doesn't exist on your system, you'll
have to build it. The distribution is free and can be found at:
Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group
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