Beginning LSM question.......

Subject: Beginning LSM question.......
From: Dave Flory (
Date: Fri May 30 1997 - 08:19:41 MDT

On the LSM web page under model availablity, it gives the following

>The Unix script run_lsmv1.s, in the unix_scripts directory, will run
>the model for one day, using the sample input data set in the datasets
>directory and using a dummy atmospheric forcing. This script will
>have to be modified for your system and directory structure. I suggest
>you run this as an introduction to the model and its output.

After modifying the directory structure and running the model, the
following error appears:

fort: Error: ../../model/putfil.F, line 45: Extra characters following a valid statement

Along with many of the form:

fort: Error: ../../model/calendr.F, line 2: Declaration of globally visible name conflicts with a previous declaration
      subroutine calendr(nstep ,dtime ,mdbase ,msbase ,mbdate ,

I am trying to run on a DEC alpha platform. Could anyone suggest a
solution or direct me to where this has been covered before.

Your time is greatly appreciated,

-David M. Flory
David M. Flory ** "To play billiards well is a sign of a
Graduate student ** mis-spent youth."
Atmospheric Physics **
Iowa State University ** -Herbert Spencer **

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