nco-1.0 is released: netCDF Operators

Subject: nco-1.0 is released: netCDF Operators
From: Charlie Zender (zender@heinlein.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Fri Jun 06 1997 - 17:11:29 MDT

I am pleased to announce the release of version 1.0 of NCO, which
stands for `netCDF operators'.

NCO consists of nine command line operators for netCDF files:

ncks ncrename ncra ncea ncrcat ncdiff ncwa ncecat ncflint

These operators work on generic netCDF files and perform rote tasks like
renaming, concatentation, hyperslabbing, averaging, interpolation, and
differencing. The documentation is nearly complete.

The source code is freely available via anonymous ftp:

The documentation is now on-line:

Good luck,

>From the NEWS file:

* Changes in NCO version 1.0:
** All known bugs in version 0.9 have been fixed.
** The manual is nearly complete, and describes all operators.
** All operators should now work on machines with sizeof(long) > sizeof(int).
** Implemented ARM time=base_time+time_offset convention in ncrcat.
** Improved support for NCAR CSM conventions
** ncks allows specification of hyperslab stride
** ncks works with wrapped coordinates (e.g., longitude)

Charlie Zender        Voice, FAX: (303) 497-1612, 497-1324 
NCAR ASP & CGD        E-mail:
P.O. Box 3000         URL:
Boulder CO 80307-3000 PGP: finger -l

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