CCM3 integration w/instantaneous data archival

Subject: CCM3 integration w/instantaneous data archival
From: Rob Black (
Date: Fri Jul 25 1997 - 11:56:06 MDT

Dear CCM-users,

        This is an advertisement for a new CCM3 simulation dataset
currently available on the mass storage data system (MSS) at NCAR.
The model dataset consists of 17 boreal winter simulations of the
standard version (3.0) of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM3)
forced by observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs). The unique aspect
of this dataset is the method of data archival. Unlike most existing
CCM3 simulation datasets, consisting of daily averages, instantaneous
values of most prognostic fields are written to history files once
every 6 hours during these simulations. This makes the dataset
suitable for studying phenomena at short time scales, such as
cyclogenesis and weather regime transitions. More details follow...

        The simulations extend from 00Z on October 1 to 00Z on April 2
of the following year for the winters 1979/80 through 1995/96. The
standard T42 horizontal truncation with 18 vertical levels is used.
The model is forced by analyzed sea surface temperatures (SSTs), the
first 9 winters consisting of AMIP boundary conditions. The model
dates correspond exactly to the time of the imposed SST forcing. The
standard climatological ozone cycle and time-invariant boundary
datasets are used and initial conditions are derived from existing
CCM2 integrations (the first 10 winters from AMIP Case 422 and the
final 7 winters from AMIP Case 389A). The October 1 initialization
allows a 2-month time period prior to the beginning of winter during
which time the model climate can adjust to the specified boundary
conditions. The only code alteration was to facilitate the archival
of model fields "DUV" and "DVV".

        The history files are archived on NCAR's mass storage data
system (MSS) in the paths /BLACKRX/csm/xxyy/ccm3/hist, where xxyy
varies from 7980 through 9596. The data is archived 4 times daily
(every 18 time steps) at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z. Each history file
(except the final history files h0037 and ha0037) contains 20 data
samples packed 3 to 1. The primary history files (h0001 through
h0037) consist of instantaneous 6-hourly archives of all the default
master fields *except* the primary heat and momentum tendency terms
(and two precipitation measures):


The auxiliary history files (ha0001 through ha0037) consist of 6-hour
time-averages of the primary heat and momentum tendency terms (and two
precipitation measures):

 AUXF = '1','DTH','DUV','DVV','DTV','QRS','QRL','PS',

        Also, please note that a parallel integration (winters of
1979/80 through 93/94) of Version 2.1 of CCM exists in which
instantaneous data values are archived once every 12 hours (00Z and
12Z). The boundary and initial value datasets are identical to the
ones used in the CCM3 integrations. Feel free to contact me for
further details of either integration.

                                        -Rob Black

     X X
     X Robert X. Black X
     X School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences X
     X Georgia Institute of Technology X
     X Atlanta, GA 30332-0340 X
     X phone: (404) 894-1756 X
     X fax: (404) 894-5638 X
     X email: X
     X X

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