Workshop on atmospheric modeling

Subject: Workshop on atmospheric modeling
From: Mote (
Date: Mon Oct 13 1997 - 11:06:41 MDT

Dear CCM users:

A two-week "Advanced Study Institute (ASI)" on "numerical modeling of the global
atmosphere" will take place in Italy next year, sponsored by NATO.
The purpose of the ASI is to explain the main ideas behind general circulation
modeling of the atmosphere and their practical implementations, and the ASI is
intended to pass on the guiding principles that have been derived from
several decades of experience at many research institutions, but have
not been widely presented and discussed in a systematic fashion.

A unique feature of this ASI will be a computer modeling project using the CCM.
The ASI was inspired partly by the diversity of scientific disciplines
represented on the CCM users mailing list, and we especially encourage users
from outside the atmospheric sciences to apply.

Information and applications are available on the ASI web site,
or in printed form from the address below.

Thank you

Philip Mote
Northwest Research Associates tel (425) 644-9660 x 309
PO Box 3027 fax (425) 644-8422
Bellevue, WA 98009 URL
== NWRA is a small company performing basic and applied geophysical research ==

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