
Subject: "mave"
From: Jerry Olson (olson@ra.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Tue Oct 14 1997 - 15:42:18 MDT

   Regarding the "mave"/"yave" issue, I submitted the following script
   to antero today and was successful. This particular script used "mave".
   (It is my understanding that any executable that resides on a particular
    machine in the directory /ccm/proc/tools/ has been compiled ON that

#QSUB -lT 6010
#QSUB -lt 6000
#QSUB -q reg
#QSUB -lM 20Mw
#QSUB -lm 20Mw
#QSUB -me
#QSUB -eo
#! /bin/csh -vx
date; ja; set timestamp; set echo; umask 000; cd $TMPDIR
rm $TMPDIR/*
cat > cond.dat << 'END2'
;Memory requirements: CCM2 T42 Daily: 4.1Mw
;-------------------- CCM2 T63 Daily: 8.6Mw
;Major namelist options:
; Files: List of MSS filenames. Each filename denotes the
; 1st file in an averaging sequence.
; REQUIRED, 50 max
; Months: Number of months to average.
; Default: 1, 50 max
;Minor namelist options:
; Fileso: List of output MSS pathnames.
; For an input filename of the form /USER/path/hnnnn:
; - If FILESO is not specified and your $LOGNAME = USER,
; the output MSS filename is: /USER/path/mm-yy
; - If FILESO is not specified and your $LOGNAME != USER,
; the output MSS filename is: /LOGNAME/USER/path/mm-yy
; - If FILESO is specified, the output MSS filename is:
; /FILESO/mm-yy
; Default: /LOGNAME/inputpathname/ 50 max.
; Local Local directory to store MSS files.
; Default: /usr/tmp/ccm
; Delinp: Delete input files after use.
; Default: .true. (logical)
; Paswds: MSS read passwords for output files.
; Default: ',x' (character*16)
; Retpd: Mass store retention period for output files.
; Default: 31 days (integer)
; Maxtapes: Maximum number of MSS tapes to use in 1 jobstep.
; This is a safety switch to avoid unforseen infinite loops
; Default: 50 tapes (integer)
; Gaps: If .false. abort on tape access errors.
; If .true. ignore tape access error. This is
; useful when there are missing tapes.
; Default: .false. (logical, abort on tape errors)

 Files = /OLSON/csm/sld022f/ccm3/hist/h0064,
 Months = 1,
 Retpd = 4095,
 Paswds = ',passwd'$

/ccm/proc/tools/mave < cond.dat


 Jerry Olson
 Boulder, Colorado

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