SUN simulation

Subject: SUN simulation
From: Eric Maloney (
Date: Fri Oct 17 1997 - 13:55:01 MDT

Dear users,

We have tried to duplicate the 1979-1993 AMIP CLimatological SST run for
the CCM3 which is mentioned on the CCM3 homepage. The two simulations
begin to diverge greatly during the second month of the simulation,
especially over land areas and the poles. For example, surface
temperatures over the Arctic are 10 degrees higher in our simulation
during the third month.

Our first question is, has anyone had similar experiences with simulations
on SUN stations? What fixes (if any) must be made to make the model run
properly, other than compilation problems?

Second, were any of the parameters or codings changed in the AMIP run
from the state in which the model was in when downloaded from NCAR?

Thanks in advance for your help

Eric Maloney

Eric Maloney		  INTERNET:
University of Washington     
Box 351640
Seattle, WA 98195-1640    PHONE: (206)685-9303

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