Re: SUN simulation

Subject: Re: SUN simulation
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Mon Oct 20 1997 - 09:18:20 MDT

With regard to the message about reproducing the ACKER run on SUN's...

>> Eric's message....
> We have tried to duplicate the 1979-1993 AMIP CLimatological SST run for
> the CCM3 which is mentioned on the CCM3 homepage. The two simulations
> begin to diverge greatly during the second month of the simulation,
> especially over land areas and the poles. For example, surface
> temperatures over the Arctic are 10 degrees higher in our simulation
> during the third month.

> Our first question is, has anyone had similar experiences with simulations
> on SUN stations? What fixes (if any) must be made to make the model run
> properly, other than compilation problems?

> Second, were any of the parameters or codings changed in the AMIP run
> from the state in which the model was in when downloaded from NCAR?

First the simple stuff to make sure we are all on the same page here.
I've enclosed the published params.h, preproc.h and the namelist for the
Acker run. To reproduce the run you will need to compile and run with these
settings. Also you will need to ensure you are compiling with 8-byte words
on the Sun.

Secondly, what version of the model are you using? I assume you are running with
CCM3.2? The actual run was with CCM3.0. But 3.2 is bit-for-bit with 3.0, so that
should not be a problem. But, you should note that because IEEE words are slightly
different than Cray words, you CAN NOT exactly reproduce the Acker run on a
different machine. The climate should of course be similar, but different machines
by nature give different results. The arctic surface temps -- is that the
monthly average over the entire arctic, or the max difference over a single point
at a given point in time?


Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

 CASEID = 'obsst01 '
 CTITLE = '15 year AMIP run using CCM3 code and datasets '
 NCDATA = 'DEC16.amip.T42.0596'
 BNDTI = '/CCM3/data/tibds.T42.0596'
 BNDTVS = 'Dec78-Sep93.sst.amip.T42.0596'
 BNDTVO = '/CCM3/data/ozn.T42.0596'
 IRT = 4095
 RIRT = 365
 NSWRPS = 'password'
 NSVSN = 'rstrt'
 NNBDAT = 781216
 MRESFQ = 32
 DTIME = 1200.
 NESTEP = -1
 NHTFRQ = -40,72
 NDENS = 4,4
 MFILT = 1,30,
 AUXF = '1','T','Q','U','V','PS','PRECC','PRECL','FLNT','FSNS',
 IRADSW = -1
 IRADLW = -1
 IRADAE = -12
 DIF4 = 1.E16,
 PERTLIM = 1.E-14
 INCORBUF = .true.
 INCORHST = .true.
 INCORRAD = .true.
 rdlsf = .true.
 fsurdat = '/ccm/CCM3/data/surfdat.T42.0596'
 finidat = 'lsm.inidat.amip.T42.0596'

#ifndef PARAMS_SET
#define PARAMS_SET
#define CRAY
#define PCNST 1
#define PLEV 18
#define PLEVR 18
#define PLON 128
#define PLAT 64
#define PTRM 42
#define PTRN 42
#define PTRK 42

#define COUP_CCM
#define LSMLON 128
#define LSMLAT 64
#define LPT 2796
#define KPT 6009
#define NUMLV 39

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