Re: ccm3 in coupled AOGCM.

Subject: Re: ccm3 in coupled AOGCM.
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 15:45:17 MST

Short answer to Wei's question about CCM in coupled AOGCM experiments.

I'm not the best one to ask, but I do know of some recources you can
find on-line that might give you some better information...

On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Wei Cheng wrote:

> I am wondering if any of you have some experiences with CCM
> in coupled AOGCMs.
> For those of you who also use CCM in coupled modeling, may I ask: do you
> meet with a similar problem in your experiments and do you know what
> could possibly cause this problem? Or if you don't have this problem,
> you know what makes your model behave well?

There is some discusion about CSM (coupled ocean, atmosphere, land,
sea-ice model) which uses CCM as the atmospheric component in the
following web-page...

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