Re: file sizes

Subject: Re: file sizes
From: Gordon Carrie (
Date: Mon Jan 19 1998 - 11:15:29 MST

>From ccm-users-owner@ncar.UCAR.EDU Mon Jan 19 11:19:06 1998
>Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 09:21:05 -0800
>From: ruigong <>
>Subject: Re: on the vertical coordinate of the CCM3
>Dear CCM users:
> Did anyone came across the problem of history file size limitation? I
>ran a simulation, and write selected fields to history file every time
>step, soon it grows to 2G, and stopped around that size. But I still
>have 10G space in that disk. Actually I want it to stop at monthly
>interval, then average for days to get typical diurnal forcings to drive
>other models. Can anyone give me a suggestion?
Most file systems use a 4-byte integer to index bytes in a file. This means
the file cannot have more bytes than the largest 4-byte integer, or
2147483647 bytes (a.k.a. 2 GB). There is no way around this (except using
a different file system). You will have to do a restart before the file
reaches 2 GB.


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