Re: ccm2nc on CRAY J90

Subject: Re: ccm2nc on CRAY J90
From: Brian Eaton (eaton@merlin.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Wed Feb 04 1998 - 13:19:34 MST

> Dear ccm users,
> Does any one of you have experience to use the ccm2nc program
> on CRAY J90? I got the ccm2nc package from NCAR but the ccm2nc binary
> can not convert the hxxxn to netCDF file. Please help me out. I am very
> grateful for your quick reply.
> Fei Liu
> 410-5167047

If the problem being referred to is the one indicated by the error message:

attach_ccm - ffopens: error opening h0001

then I have fixed this problem and updated the distribution file for ccm2nc
which is available at

If the problem is something else then please provide more details.

Brian Eaton
Climate and Global Dynamics Division
National Center for Atmospheric Research
P.O.Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

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