Re: ccm2nc on CRAY J90

Subject: Re: ccm2nc on CRAY J90
Date: Wed Feb 04 1998 - 13:23:25 MST

Indeed, that's the problem. Thanx!


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  * (410)889-9876(H) | Johns Hopkins Univ. | (410)516-7047(O) *

On Wed, 4 Feb 1998, Brian Eaton wrote:

> > Dear ccm users,
> > Does any one of you have experience to use the ccm2nc program
> > on CRAY J90? I got the ccm2nc package from NCAR but the ccm2nc binary
> > can not convert the hxxxn to netCDF file. Please help me out. I am very
> > grateful for your quick reply.
> >
> > Fei Liu
> >
> >
> > 410-5167047
> >
> >
> If the problem being referred to is the one indicated by the error message:
> attach_ccm - ffopens: error opening h0001
> then I have fixed this problem and updated the distribution file for ccm2nc
> which is available at
> If the problem is something else then please provide more details.
> Brian Eaton
> Climate and Global Dynamics Division
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> P.O.Box 3000
> Boulder, CO 80307

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