Questions about the ocean mixed layer Q flux in SOM

Subject: Questions about the ocean mixed layer Q flux in SOM
From: Bowei Xu (
Date: Wed Mar 04 1998 - 10:06:35 MST

Hi, dear CCM users:

I have some questions concerning the use of SOM (Slab Ocean Model) with
CCM3. Maybe my questions are not right at all, I hope someone can give
me some advices or direct me to some references.

 In SOM, according to the User's Guide, the ocean mixed layer Q flux is
FIXED in a model run although adjustment is performed globally. The Q
flux is decided by the control run, which uses prescribed SST. If this
is true, that means if I do an experiement with the coupled model
(CCM+SOM), the ocean's impact to the atmosphere always comes from the
climate state rather than the current state of this specific experiment
(because the Q flux is decided by the control run. Say the climate SST
is used in the control run.)

Here comes my questions:

(1) Does this assume that the response of the ocean to the atmosphere is
very very slow so that fixed or climate ocean mixed layer Q flux can be
used? Does this also assume that the time scale can NOT be long?

if it is so, what is the time scale that can be investigated by this
coupled model? More specifically, the problem which I am studying has
the time scale about 3 months (seasonal time scale). Is it alright to
use this coupled model?

(2) If it is alright, does anyone know where I can get the corresponding
programs to calculate the Ocean mixed layer Q fluxes?

Any advices are welcome.


Bowei Xu
Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
North Carolina State University

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