Subject: IF THERE IS MACCM3 ????
From: Xiaobiao Fan (xiaobiao@crsa.bu.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 27 1998 - 13:32:10 MDT

Dear CCM users:

As is known to all that there is a NCAR Middle Atmosphere
Community Climate Model Version 2 (MACCM2) which can couple
with chemistry model to do middle atmospehric chemistry research.
Who can tell me

(1) If there is MACCM3?

(2) If there is, where can I get the code?

(3) If there is not, is it practicable for me to change
the vertical domain (from ground to ~60 km) and the vertical
resolution (~2 km)?

Thanks for you give me imformation and idea!

* *
 * Dept. of Geography \//// Phone: (617) 353-8846 (o) *
  * Boston University |^_^| (617) 437-1004 (h) *
   * Boston, MA 02215 \_/ email: xiaobiao@bu.edu *
    * *

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