Re: Problens with the initial running of CCM3

Subject: Re: Problens with the initial running of CCM3
From: Ana Gusmao (
Date: Tue Jun 30 1998 - 15:48:46 MDT

  Hello Marcio,

   I am also in Brasil at University of Sao Paulo (USP),
   and here we (my adviser, Dr Ambrizzi, and me)
   have just decided to give up
   SP2 machine, and we are going to use a T90 (CRAY), which is
   an architecture supported by NCAR. There are several reasons
   to make this decision.

   But at the end, the most important is that we figure out
   we have not enough time to dedicate to research and also to
   work on these computacional details of the code.
   Any other detail about this discussion please contact us at USP.

   Good Luck,

   Ana Gusmao

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 ____ (-(o) (o)-) ___
(____)______________oOOO___<0>_OOOo________________ ( )
 | | Ana Maria Gusmao | |
 | | | |
 | | Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), | |
 | | Sao Paulo, Brasil | |
 | | E-Mail: | |
 | | | |
 | | Adviser: Dr. Tercio Ambrizzi | |
 | | E-Mail: | |
 | | | |
 | | | |
 | | | |
(____) Oooo. (____)
                     .oooO ( )
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On Mon, 29 Jun 1998 wrote:
> Hi to all,
> My name is Marcio Cataldi, study and work in the Federal
> University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and together with a group
> of numeric modelling, we are beginning the study of the model of NCAR
> CCM3 in a machine of IBM- SP2. We obtained success just executing the
> dataset T5, since the others (T21 and T42 for example) they generated
> a mistake in the execution of simple examples (segmantation fault),
> this that didn't get to be solved besides by the responsible analyst
> by the management of the computer wander. Besides still we didn't
> obtain success in visualisation of the exit generated by the model
> with the dataset T5, where initially we tried to obtain this
> visualization with the software VIS5d-4.3, that it has already been
> including in him some utilitarian programs for the conversion of data
> of the CCM3 for the VIS5d-4.3. We got to compile the programs with
> success, but we didn't get to execute the module scanccr that I think
> " to extract " fundamental information for this conversion (as the
> name of the variables, nsteps, used levels, among other).
> In case some of you have already come across problems similar to
> these and can help us, we will be extremely thankful.
> thanks,
> Marcio Cataldi
> LAMMA(Laboratorio de Modelagem de Processos Marinhos e Atmosfericos)
> Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

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