Announcement of public release of CCM3.6

Subject: Announcement of public release of CCM3.6
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 16:54:06 MDT

The latest version of NCAR's Community Climate Model CCM3.6 has
now been released for public use. The code and datasets are
availble on NCAR's anonymous ftp site ( For
information on downloading the files see the following URL:

The CCM3 web-pages are currently under construction to add information
on CCM3.6 and the CCM3.6 control runs. When we have all of the
information updated we will let you know.


Erik Kluzek (CCM Core Group)

The NCAR Community Climate Model version 3.6 (CCM3.6) is now released.

CCM3.6 is the latest version of the NCAR Community Climate Model. It
is in the same family as CCM3.0 and therefore most of the code is the
same with only minor changes to the physical parameterizations. The
simulated climate of CCM3.6 does not differ significantly from that of

The CCM3.6 is a stable, efficient, documented, state of the art,
atmospheric general circulation model designed for climate research on
high-speed supercomputers and select upper-end workstations.

CCM3.6 is released as a free resource to scientists and graduate
students worldwide as an advanced tool for global atmospheric modeling
research, allowing them to develop and implement their particular area
of modeling expertise without spending decades of their careers
building a complex global climate model.

The CCM3.6 source code, initial and boundary datasets, documentation,
model verification and control simulations may be downloaded from the
CCM3 home page at .

The National Center for Atmospheric Research is operated by the
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by
the National Science Foundation.

Modifications (to CCM3.2) include:

Physics changes (no significant change to the climate):

      Added capability to calculate earth's orbital parameters.

      Changed algorithm to calculate solar zenith angle.

      Modified surface stress calculation.

      Solar radiation calculations now include 19 bands. This allows
      comparison to Nimbus-7 spectral albedos.

      2m-reference height temperature computed everywhere, both in
      flux-coupled mode and stand-alone mode.

      Snow capped to 1m over land ice.

      Negative runoff in LSM is allowed for glaciers, lakes, wetland,
      and irrigated land so that the model conserved water globally.

Changes to input/output files:

      The ozone dataset is now interpolated horizontally and vertically during
      the model run.

      All input files are now netCDF format rather than ccm history file

      LSM and CCM generate initial conditions files during model runs.

      Input and output LSM datasets are in netCDF format.

      LSM can now generate its own initial dataset at model startup.

      Off-line programs interpic, and definesurf are now provided to
      interpolate initial conditions to a different resolution.

      An off-line program interpsst is now privided to interpolate Sea Surface
      Temperature (SST) data to a different resolution.

Changes to user interface:

      Added capabilities to run model adiabatically or with prescribed

      Solar constant added as a namelist input variable.

      Volume mixing ratios for greenhouse gases added as namelist input.

      Output primary history files and restart datasets renamed to correspond
      to model date.

      Added a "restart-pointer file" to keep track of the latest restart file
      written. This way the user doesn't have to figure out the name of the
      last restart file written to restart a run.

Bug fixes (no significant change to the climate):

      Calendar no longer off by 1 day.

      Fixed vector temporary that was improperly used outside of loop in
      radiation code (routine radabs).

      Corrected pressure levels used in routine difcor.

      Corrected minor problem with top of atmosphere radiation calculation
      (routine radtpl).

      Corrected minor problem with water vapor paths used in trace gas
      overlap (routine trcabn).

      Fixed potential out of bounds memory reference in buoyancy calculation
      (routine bouyan)

      Workaround added to LSM to address Cray compiler bug. See the CCM3
      web-site for more information on this at:

Bug fix plus tuning modification to restore the documented climate

      Overestimate of subcloud consumption of CAPE by moist convection.
      (routine closure). This error had the effect of suppressing moist
      convection, particularly shallow convection. The parameter adjustment
      required to restore the simulated climate changes the minimum CAPE for
      initiating convection from zero to 70 J/Kg (routine conv_ccm).

The CCM3 news page contains the code-patches for CCM3.2 for all the
bug-fixes. The code patches by nature show the code changes in CCM3.6
that fix the above problems.

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