offline LSM climatology vs. CCM3 climatology

Subject: offline LSM climatology vs. CCM3 climatology
From: Rui Gong (
Date: Sat Jul 11 1998 - 15:30:07 MDT

Dear ccm users:

   I have a question for those familiar with the climatology of CCM3.

   I am running LSM offline, but driven with the atmospheric forcings
(radiation, precipitation, wind speed, surface T, etc) from CCM3
standard output. As you know, it is impossible to have such a big file
to contain all the fields of each time step. So what I did was: I select
the 15th day of each month, as a 'typical' day, and get the forcings of
each time step from that day, for all the grid cells. AND I assume every
day in that month has the same forcing fields. I ran standard CCM3 for
ten years, and averaged over the last 5 years to obtain desired fields.

   My question being: how would this climatology differ from the
standard CCM3 climatology? For example, how CCM3 distribute its monthly
precipitation among each days, would it just be a random distribution as
some other models? Wind speed? General comments on the differences from
anyone would be welcome, because I got some results, for which this
difference might be an explanation.

   Thank you for your attention. My best wishes.

Rui Gong
Department of Geography
Boston University

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