CCM3.6.6 on IBM

Subject: CCM3.6.6 on IBM
From: John Michalakes (
Date: Wed Aug 26 1998 - 15:52:28 MDT


Attached please find a set of instructions for compiling the ccm3.6.6
code on an IBM SP. This is a copy of a note that I sent to a couple of
users of the SP at Argonne. The only difference for you will be that
you'll need to ignore any local directory paths and you'll need to
access the aixpatch.tar patch file (step #3) from our anonymous ftp
server. Anonymously ftp to (uid: anonymous, passwd:
your email address) the cd to 'chammp'. Remember to set ftp to binary
mode by typing 'bin' and then 'get aixpatch.tar'. Note that you won't
be able to list that chammp directory but the file is there and can be
gotten by name.

Also, the build.noncray_spmd.csh from the patch file contains a couple
of Argonne-specific library paths for netcdf and MPI (these are marked
with comments). You'll need to set these to the appropriate paths on
your system.

Please contact me if you have questions or problems.



John Michalakes 630-252-6646
Math and Computer Science Division fax: 2-5986
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439

--forwarded message--
From: John Michalakes <>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 16:33:20 -0500
Subject: CCM3.6.6 on IBM

Here's what to do:


1. Download or copy the ccm3.6.6 distribution file

This is available on the NCAR ftp site, but I already have downloaded it. If you want to get it from my home diretory, it is in /home/michalak/CCM3/ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz.

2. Untar this file (which will create a directory named ccm)

gunzip -c ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz | tar xvf -

3. In the same directory where you executed the command in step 2, do the following:

tar xvf /home/michalak/CCM3/aixpatch.tar

That this will change (overwrite) the following files in the ccm directory:

ccm/bld/Makefile ccm/bld/build.noncray_spmd.csh ccm/src/control/data.F ccm/src/spmd/ceil2.c ccm/src/spmd/pair.c

These were the files that had to be modified to get the code to compile and link on the ANL IBM machine

4. Check to make sure that ccm/bld/build.noncray_spmd.csh is executable, and if not, make it executable.

5. Edit the build.noncray_spmd.csh as needed to set model configuration, number of processors, etc.

6. Change directories to ccm/bld and execute the script build.noncray_spmd.csh


Give it a try and let me know how it goes.


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