Re: ccm3.6 on SunOS 5.6

Subject: Re: ccm3.6 on SunOS 5.6
From: Jeffrey Yin (
Date: Wed Aug 26 1998 - 20:37:44 MDT

Hi Zhaoliang--
        "Segmentation fault" isn't a really helpful error message, but
hopefully you got it for the same reason that I did when running on a Sun
and, if so, the solution is easy. My problem was that my stacksize wasn't
large enough to handle the model, so I increased it with the command

limit stacksize 32000

before starting the model, and the model ran fine after that. This was
enough for the T31x15 resolution, but, in case it still doesn't work, try
experimenting with larger values for the stacksize (64000, 128000,
whatever), and hopefully that will solve it. Oh yeah...and, if you need
to run definesurf, set stacksize to 128000, because is a huge
file. Good luck!


Jeffrey Yin INTERNET:
685-8438 UUCP: uw-beaver!!jyin
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington, Box 351640

On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, -Zhaoliang Li wrote:

> Hellow ccm3-users,
> I'm new user of ccm3 and I'm trying to build ccm3.6 on a SunOS using the
> shell script 'build.noncray.csh' which has modified following the
> instructions given by ccm3.6 documentations. The compile procedure seems
> work but when I run the program 'atm' with the input file 'atm.parm', I
> got a 'Segmentation fault (core dumped). Is there someone has already
> encountered this problem, any suggestions and help will be highly
> appreciated.
> ZhaoLiang Li

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