Re: inquiring

Subject: Re: inquiring
From: Ana Gusmao (
Date: Tue Oct 20 1998 - 09:06:27 MDT

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Q Xu wrote:

> Hi Friends,

  Hi Q Xu,
  I also have some questions in the same directions as yours.

> We are going to run ccm3. But we have not got our computation tools.
> Now we are in the position of either buying a Sun Ultra 10 workstation
> (512 MB memory and 300 MHZ speed) or 4 pentium PCs (128 MB memory and 300
> MHZ speed for each).
 If we buy PCs, we have got to install windows NT and
> some Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) software to hook PCs to have it work as
> a single parallel computer.
> As we understand, 4 PCs should run 4 times faster than a single sun
> workstation because each PC processor has the same speed (300 MHZ) as the
> workstation and 4 PCs can compute at the same time. Is this concept right?

  I am not sure but I think this kind of arregement would have a loss
  of performance due to the connection between the PCs (a bottle neck
  problem). My information is that this problem can cause until a
  30 percent loss in performance.

> We do not have much idea about how to compare them. Should we buy PCs or a
> workstation?
  Thas is also one of my doubts.

  Solaris also runs in a PC plataform. So if is it true that
  the Pentium II processors can work in parallel, we can have a
  parallel machine using a Pentiun II processors working under
  solaris. Is it possible ? I don't know ... but I guess would
  be much easy to handle them a clusters of PCs.

 | | Ana Maria Gusmao | |
 | | | |
 | | Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) | |
 | | Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico (IAG) | |
 | | Dep. de Ciencias Atmosfericas (DCA) | |
 | | E-Mail: | |
 | | | |
 | | DCA/IAG/USP - Rua do Matao 1226, | |
 | | CEP 05508-900 SP/SP, Brasil | |

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