
Subject: inquiring
From: Q Xu (
Date: Sun Oct 18 1998 - 20:38:31 MDT

Hi Friends,

We are going to run ccm3. But we have not got our computation tools.

Now we are in the position of either buying a Sun Ultra 10 workstation
(512 MB memory and 300 MHZ speed) or 4 pentium PCs (128 MB memory and 300
MHZ speed for each). If we buy PCs, we have got to install windows NT and
some Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) software to hook PCs to have it work as
a single parallel computer.

As we understand, 4 PCs should run 4 times faster than a single sun
workstation because each PC processor has the same speed (300 MHZ) as the
workstation and 4 PCs can compute at the same time. Is this concept right?
We do not have much idea about how to compare them. Should we buy PCs or a

To hook PCs needs knowledge of network. Is it difficult if any problem
happens to the network? Message transfer speed should also be a major
factor. Do we need any special software to make a good speed of message
transfer in the hooked PCs?

How about running time of 10-year simulation period using T42 resolution on
both sun ultra-10 workstation and hooked PCs?

Could you also tell me the version of C and Fortran compiler to run ccm3?

Any suggestions and advices are welcome!

Yours sincerely,

* Qiang Xu *
* *
* Water Resources Group *
* Civil & Environmental Engineering Department *
* University of Alberta,Edmonton *
* Canada T6G 2G7 *
* *
* Phone: (H) (403) 483-0838 *
* (O) (403) 492-3587 *

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