CCM3.6.6, SPMD with 64 processors

Subject: CCM3.6.6, SPMD with 64 processors
From: Keith Eric Grant (
Date: Wed Oct 14 1998 - 17:52:34 MDT

I have been testing CCM3.6.6 on an IBM RS6000 using the SPMD (MPI, message
passing) version. I have successfully completed a number of one day test
runs with the distribution default data/settings using 4, 8, and 16

When I attempt to use 32 or 64 processors, I encounter an error from the LSM
module allocdyn caused by trying to allocate a zero length array. My guess
is that instead of doing nothing at latitudes that have no land points, LSM
is trying to allocate arrays and then do something zero times.

Has anyone previously tracked down this problem and come up with a list of
modifications required? Thanks.

 I Keith Eric Grant I Common sense and a sense of humor are the I
 I I same thing, moving at different speeds. I
 I Atmospheric Science Div I A sense of humor is just common sense, I
 I P.O. Box 808, L-103 I dancing. ... Clive James I
 I Lawrence Livrmr Natn'l Lab I I
 I EMail: I (or perhaps dancing is just common sense) I
 I FAX: (925) 422-5844 I I

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