IC file conversion to netcdf on DEC

Subject: IC file conversion to netcdf on DEC
From: Govindasamy Balasubramanian (gbala@lyphard.llnl.gov)
Date: Mon Nov 09 1998 - 11:50:18 MST

Dear CCM3 users,

I modifiled the -I option for netcdf in Makefile_Solaris to create ccm2nc on
the DEC alphas. It seems to work fine with the monthly history files. But I
get 'Floating exception (core dumped)' for the IC files ccmi....... produced
on the 1st of every month. Has anyone had this problem on DEC before?


Bala Govindasamy
L-103, LLNL
Livermore, CA 94550
Ph: 925-423-0771
fax: 925-422-6388

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