fraction of solar flux in each spectral interval

Subject: fraction of solar flux in each spectral interval
Date: Tue Nov 17 1998 - 22:38:43 MST

Hi, There:

        I am examine portion of the CRM program and found the following
code segment confusing. Can anyone help me on that:
      real frcsol(nspint), ! Fraction of solar flux in each spectral
     $ wavmin(nspint), ! Min wavelength (micro-meters) of interval
     $ wavmax(nspint), ! Max wavelength (micro-meters) of interval
     $ raytau(nspint), ! Rayleigh scattering optical depth
     $ abh2o(nspint), ! Absorption coefficiant for h2o (cm2/g)
     $ abo3 (nspint), ! Absorption coefficiant for o3 (cm2/g)
     $ abco2(nspint), ! Absorption coefficiant for co2 (cm2/g)
     $ abo2 (nspint), ! Absorption coefficiant for o2 (cm2/g)
     $ ph2o(nspint), ! Weight of h2o in spectral interval
     $ pco2(nspint), ! Weight of co2 in spectral interval
     $ po2 (nspint) ! Weight of o2 in spectral interval
      save frcsol ,wavmin ,wavmax ,raytau ,abh2o ,abo3 ,
     $ abco2 ,abo2 ,ph2o ,pco2 ,po2
      data frcsol / .001488, .001389, .001290, .001686, .002877,
     $ .003869, .026336, .426131, .526861, .526861,
     $ .526861, .526861, .526861, .526861, .526861,

Some fractions are larger than 0.5 and there are too many of them. What I
am missing here?

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  * (410)889-9876(H) | Johns Hopkins Univ. | (410)516-7047(O) *

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