Re: fraction of solar flux in each spectral interval

Subject: Re: fraction of solar flux in each spectral interval
From: Charlie Zender (
Date: Wed Nov 18 1998 - 11:37:42 MST

This is explained in the paper by Briegleb, JGR (1992):
The seven near infrared intervals which appear to be confusing you are
actually not bands in wavelength space. They are contiguous intervals
k-space (absorption space) for the water vapor bands. The quadrature
weights "p-weights" for these intervals determine their relative
contributions. Thus, the solution method switches from monochromatic
in the visible to k-distribution in the near infrared.


Charlie Zender      Voice: (303) 497-1445, FAX: 497-1400
NCAR ACD & CGD     E-mail:
P.O. Box 3000         URL:
Boulder CO 80307-3000 PGP: finger -l

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