CCM3.6.6 Run error

Subject: CCM3.6.6 Run error
From: Patrick D. Marquis (
Date: Thu Nov 19 1998 - 08:08:26 MST


I'm trying to build and run CCM3.6.6, running Red Hat Linux 5.1. The
compile and link with PGF77 seems to have gone smoothly, but when the
model is run I get the following error message:

PGFIO-F-228/namelist read/unit=5/end of file reached without finding
 File name = stdin formatted, sequential access record = 1
 In source file /data1/ccm/ccm/bld/../src/control/data.F, at line number

This is line 403 from data.F that the error refers to:
 read (5,ccmexp)

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