Ocean data masked ?

Subject: Ocean data masked ?
From: Andres Calderon - Meteorologia (andresfc@sue.ideam.gov.co)
Date: Wed Dec 02 1998 - 22:28:48 MST


I'm begining to use the CCM3.6 so I have 2 questions :

I've made the simulation corresponding to the first example
shown in the User's Guide; an initial run from one day
with the dafault input datasets from the distribution.
After that, the simulation corresponding to the third example;
a rerun from the first example, now for 30 days, with
a writing frequency of one day.
The running log shows total completion of the simulation, and the
number of iterations is correct : 2160.

        - The history file shows data corresponding to 12 days.
        Why ?

        - The data is land masked, why?. The ocean data component
        runs by default, isn't ?

Thank you,

Fernando Vega.

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