Re: aerosol effect(aermix.F)

Subject: Re: aerosol effect(aermix.F)
From: Charlie Zender (
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 13:43:03 MST

Hello Fei,

Intercomparing the radiative effects of aerosols between different
models requires a thorough understanding of the radiative properties
of the aerosol used by each model. CRM/CCM uses a pure sulfate aerosol
which is highly forward scattering and which is close to being
non-absorbing. The total surface downward flux does not change nearly
as dramatically as the partitioning between the direct and diffuse
components of that flux. These components of the downward flux are
also archived by the CRM, should you choose to examine them.


Charlie Zender      Voice: (303) 497-1445, FAX: 497-1400
NCAR ACD & CGD     E-mail:
P.O. Box 3000         URL:
Boulder CO 80307-3000 PGP: finger -l

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