Bugfix to NCO ncwa operator is available

Subject: Bugfix to NCO ncwa operator is available
From: Charlie Zender (zender@sanitas-e0.cgd.ucar.edu)
Date: Fri Dec 04 1998 - 15:42:30 MST


Read no further if you do not use the NCO netCDF operators.

NCO 1.1.16 is available. NCO 1.1.16 fixes a bug in the ncwa operator
which sometimes caused incorrect answers when both weights (option -w)
and masks (option -m) were used in the same averaging operation. No
other variables were affected. See the NCO homepage at
http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/nco for more information.

NCO 1.1.16 is now installed in the standard NCAR locations.
If you use ncwa offsite then you should install the latest version.


Charlie Zender      Voice: (303) 497-1445, FAX: 497-1400
NCAR ACD & CGD     E-mail: zender@ncar.ucar.edu
P.O. Box 3000         URL: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/zender
Boulder CO 80307-3000 PGP: finger -l zender@neit.cgd.ucar.edu

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