Re: ccm2nc makefile

Subject: Re: ccm2nc makefile
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Mon Dec 07 1998 - 09:09:11 MST

Hi Patrick,

Here's a guess. Assuming that you are running on a PC then the native
integer/floating point representation is probably "little endian" IEEE. In
this case ccm2nc will only work in the special case of converting a history
file that contains little endian IEEE data. The more general capabilities
of ccm2nc to convert from a foreign binary format to the native internal
representation has only been implemented in the context of CRAY and "big
endian" IEEE (no byte swapping has been implemented). My understanding is
that in the standard distribution of CCM3 the recommendation for building
on a Linux platform is to use a compiler option that specifies writing
the output file in "big endian" format. If you are trying to convert
history files that have been generated by running CCM3 on a Linux platform
then you should build CCM3 without this option, and then you will be able
to use ccm2nc to convert the output to netCDF.

Hope that helps.

Brian Eaton
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Climate Modelling Section
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

> Hi:
> Has anyone successfully compiled ccm2nc on a Linux machine? If you
> have, can you forward your Makefile? We are continually getting an
> unable to open file error when we try to execute it.
> Thanks for your help
> Patrick

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