Re: Netcdf library in 64 bits ?

Subject: Re: Netcdf library in 64 bits ?
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Thu Dec 10 1998 - 10:03:06 MST

Hi Ana,

The makefile included for building ccm2nc on the SGI uses the -64 flag only
because that's how our netCDF library was built at NCAR. But the bottom
line is that ccm2nc and the netCDF library need to be built the same way.
So either build ccm2nc using the -n32 flag (or -32 for older SGIs) or build
the netCDF library using the -64 flag. If the "-64" binary is not
available from unidata then get the source and build it locally. Also, the
specification of the -mipsn flag depends on the hardware you are using.
The "-64 -mips4" flags work on an R10000.

Brian Eaton
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Climate Modelling Section
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

> Hi CCM user's,
> I have some doubts about the construction of ccm2nc
> program.
> Thanks for any help
> Ana
> Universidade de Sao Paulo, SP,
> DCA/IAG, Brasil
> Ph; 55 011 8184661
> Fax: 55 011 8184713
> The makefile available to construct the ccm2nc
> for IRIX version has the following compilation
> flag in C:
> CFLAGS = -O -64 -mips4 $(CPPFLAGS)
> CPPFLAGS = -DIEEE_DP $(cpp_path)
> cpp_path = -I./ -I/fs/local/include64
> So this makefile suposes that NetCDF
> library should be 64 bits.
> I've tryed to use a simple file, which I call
> a "hard file" to construct the ccm2nc.
> ================================================
> cc -O -mips4 -DIEEE_DP -I./ -I/usr4/silicon/hUtils-1.3/include -I./\
> -I/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/include -o ccm2nc ccm2nc.c ccmhdr.c \
> ccm_util.c cr-ieee.c crpack.c fortio.c htdatlen.c iscosb.c nc_util.c
> parse.c \
> strops.c -L/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/lib -lnetcdf
> rm -f *.o
> ==================================================
> Note that this file does not includes the option
> "-64", if this option is included, you have.
> =================================================
> cc -64 -O -DIEEE_DP -I./
> -I/usr4/silicon/hUtils-1.3/include -I./ \
> -I/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/include -o ccm2nc
> ccm2nc.c ccmhdr.c \
> ccm_util.c cr-ieee.c crpack.c fortio.c htdatlen.c
> iscosb.c nc_util.c
> parse.c \
> strops.c -L/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/lib -lnetcdf
> rm -f *.o
> ====================================================
> And the answer is:
> ccm2nc.c:
> ccmhdr.c:
> ccm_util.c:
> cr-ieee.c:
> crpack.c:
> fortio.c:
> htdatlen.c:
> iscosb.c:
> nc_util.c:
> parse.c:
> strops.c:
> ld64: FATAL 12: Expecting 64-bit objects:
> /usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/lib/libnetcdf.a is 32-bit.
> I've download the Netcdftar from
> " "
> How I can obtain a libnetcdf.a for 64bits ?

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