Netcdf library in 64 bits ?

Subject: Netcdf library in 64 bits ?
From: Ana Gusmao (
Date: Thu Dec 10 1998 - 05:48:19 MST

  Hi CCM user's,

  I have some doubts about the construction of ccm2nc

  Thanks for any help


  Universidade de Sao Paulo, SP,
  DCA/IAG, Brasil

  Ph; 55 011 8184661
  Fax: 55 011 8184713

 The makefile available to construct the ccm2nc
 for IRIX version has the following compilation
 flag in C:

  CFLAGS = -O -64 -mips4 $(CPPFLAGS)

  CPPFLAGS = -DIEEE_DP $(cpp_path)

  cpp_path = -I./ -I/fs/local/include64

  So this makefile suposes that NetCDF
  library should be 64 bits.

  I've tryed to use a simple file, which I call
  a "hard file" to construct the ccm2nc.


  cc -O -mips4 -DIEEE_DP -I./ -I/usr4/silicon/hUtils-1.3/include -I./\
  -I/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/include -o ccm2nc ccm2nc.c ccmhdr.c \
  ccm_util.c cr-ieee.c crpack.c fortio.c htdatlen.c iscosb.c nc_util.c
  parse.c \
  strops.c -L/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/lib -lnetcdf
  rm -f *.o


  Note that this file does not includes the option
  "-64", if this option is included, you have.


  cc -64 -O -DIEEE_DP -I./
-I/usr4/silicon/hUtils-1.3/include -I./ \
  -I/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/include -o ccm2nc
ccm2nc.c ccmhdr.c \
  ccm_util.c cr-ieee.c crpack.c fortio.c htdatlen.c
iscosb.c nc_util.c
  parse.c \
  strops.c -L/usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/lib -lnetcdf
  rm -f *.o


  And the answer is:

  ld64: FATAL 12: Expecting 64-bit objects:
  /usr4/silicon/netcdf-3.5a/lib/libnetcdf.a is 32-bit.

  I've download the Netcdftar from
  " "

  How I can obtain a libnetcdf.a for 64bits ?

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