Re: restart problem

Subject: Re: restart problem
From: Carlos Fernandez (
Date: Fri Jan 08 1999 - 01:37:44 MST

Hi Ana,
When you put in the namelist...

nestep = -2're telling the model to run UNTIL reach the second day from the
beginning of the simulation. If you have already done a 5 days simulation, the
model simply crashes. You can tell the model to run for 2 more days with the
nelapse = -2
(instead of nestep = -2)

Good luck!

| Carlos Fernandez Sanchez 			      |
|            |
| Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA)       |
| Avda. de Vigo s/n., Campus Universitario            |
| 15706 - Santiago de Compostela (SPAIN)              |
| Ph. +34 981 594500         Fax +34 981 594616       |

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