CCM on Linux PC

Subject: CCM on Linux PC
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Tue Jan 12 1999 - 10:53:03 MST

CCM Users;

Here is a mechanism for increasing the boot-time stack memory limit on a PC
running Linux. Typing "limit stacksize unlimited" at the csh or tcsh prompt
may be insufficient for running the CCM or its ancillary programs
(e.g. definesurf). I do not understand how this mechanism works or why it
works. I can only say that it worked on my home PC on which I am running Red
Hat Linux 5.1. The source of this golden nugget of valuable info will remain
anonymous unless they wish to receive credit.

Log in as root and edit a file called /etc/initscript. On my machine this
script did not already exist. In it put the following lines:

ulimit -Hs unlimited
ulimit -Ss unlimited

eval exec "$4"

Then issue "chmod +x /etc/initscript" and reboot the machine. Logging in
either as root or an unpriviledged user should result in effectively
unlimited stack memory (on the order of 2 GB).


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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